MBA in Engineering Management (in englischer Sprache) (MBA, Berufsbegleitend)
Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule / MBA in Engineering Management (in englischer Sprache) im Detail
The acquisition of management and business skills as well as soft skills such as teamwork and team leadership, presentation, and communication in an international environment and with media support is particularly important for professional specialists in technology and natural sciences.
This postgraduate master’s course is suited to specialists or executive managers with a first degree in the fields of engineering as well as natural and computer science. This one-year course is targeted at graduates of eight-semester bachelor’s courses (with a minimum of 240 ECTS credit points). In combination with at least two years of professional experience after your first degree, you complement your specialist knowledge with business administration know-how and modern management methods. The profile is suited to managerial functions in departmental organizations or on the management board.
As a graduate of this MBA course, you will benefit from technical and scientific know-how combined with good management training. You are able to work in an interdisciplinary manner, design processes across subject areas, and therefore take on demanding management roles. Moreover, the profile is suited to managerial functions in departmental organizations or on the management board. Our course delivers management knowledge with a practical focus.
The program is accredited by ZEvA.
Two-semester course (one year).
Start of studies
You can enroll at anytime.
The program is accredited by ZEvA.
Two-semester course (one year).
Start of studies
You can enroll at anytime.